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Sustainable Development and World Heritage Site Management in Switzerland

Perceptions and Priorities

Amid global challenges such as climate change and growing tourist numbers, what issues do UNESCO World Heritage Sites face in terms of sus­ tainable development? Since the adoption of a global policy on World Heritage and Sustainable Development in 2015, reflecting on this question has become increasingly important in terms of framing national responses.

Sustainable Development and World Heritage Site Management in Switzerland
Immagine: Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences

This report summarizes the key findings of a rapid survey on the main concerns and issues identified by site manag­ers and other stakeholders in the Swiss context. The first section explores the perceptions of sustainability issues and challenges. The second examines experiences with and conditions for sustainable development action in the Swiss World Heritage context.

Numero standard: ISSN (print): 2297-8275 ISSN (online): 2297-184X DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1494842

Fonte: Larsen Peter B (2019) Sustainable Development and World Heritage Site Management in Switzerland: Perceptions and Priorities. Swiss Academies Communications 14 (4).


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