Questo forum promuove un approccio differenziato e oggettivo con i nuovi sviluppi della ricerca genetica. Inoltre mette a disposizione le informazioni scientifiche relative ad un’ampia gamma di argomenti rilevanti per la società e, su tale base, promuove il dialogo tra la ricerca, la politica e la società.di più

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What Switzerland can do for biodiversity

Policy options for selected sectors

The marked decline in biodiversity is affecting the very basis of human life. The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has identified a wide range of options for counteracting this loss and safeguarding the services nature provides. Various policy areas can thus make a significant contribution to effectively promoting sustainable development for the benefit of biodiversity and people. An analysis for Switzerland clearly shows that there is still great potential for implementing these policy options.

What Switzerland can do for biodiversity - Policy options for selected sectors
Immagine: CC-BY-NC-ND

Fonte: Swiss Biodiversity Forum (SCNAT), Interface Politikstudien (2022): What Switzerland can do for biodiversity – Policy options for selected sectors. Swiss Academies Factsheet 17 (2)

Temi associati

Ce que la Suisse peut faire pour la biodiversité

La Suisse devrait prendre des mesures pour plus de 90% des options du Conseil mondial de la biodiversité

Pour plus de 90% des actions possibles proposées par le Conseil mondial de la biodiversité, la Suisse a du retard à rattraper pour les mettre en œuvre efficacement. Le Forum

Immagine: Sandra Schwab
Forum Biodiversität Schweiz (SCNAT), Interface Politikstudien (2020) Relevanz der IPBES-Handlungsoptionen für Sektoren in der Schweiz

Relevance of IPBES action options for sectors in Switzerland

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) reports in its assessments a dramatic and accelerating decline in biodiversity. The ability of ecosystems to provide services for humans is

Immagine: Forum Biodiversität Schweiz



Jodok Guntern
Forum Biodiversità Svizzera
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna

Inglese, Tedesco, Francese